Thursday, December 30, 2010

Must Try Harder

Well, the last two weeks haven’t been the most dazzling in terms of weight loss. Last week I stayed the same weight, and this week I put on half a pound.

While I can make excuses around Christmas Curry and whatnot, I know I just need to get back on plan and go for it. I have lost a total of 10lbs so far though, which I think is pretty darned good!
I’m still using those white trousers as my aim; I want to be able to wear those on my honeymoon. They’re a size 12, so it’s not an unrealistic aim – drop one dress size in 4 months. I have no real idea what that will mean in weight terms, especially because I have a new toy.

For Christmas my dear fiancĂ© got me an Olympic bar and some weights. We need to have a bit of a tidy up in the garage to make enough room to use them sensibly, but it means I can get some weight training in even though we’ve had to give up the gym membership.

At Slimming World this week we were asked to talk briefly about what we were proud of, and what our aims were for the coming year. I thought I’d include mine here.

What am I proud of from 2010?
Well, in terms of my diet and health, I’m proud of myself for admitting that I can’t do this on my own and joining Slimming World, it’s made such a difference. It’s especially good when I feel like giving up but the other ladies in the group are so supportive. They know it’s hard, and the tough weeks (like this week when I gained weight) are tempered by the fact that other people are also having a tough week and we’re all going to try harder next week!

What do I aim to do in 2011?
Well, obviously I have an easy way of making my goal S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)

Specific: Get into those size 12 white trousers
Measurable: either they fit or they don’t!
Attainable: it’s only one dress size
Relevant: Duh
Timely: I’ve 4 months to do it

But, to try to help me achieve this, and since I think it will need at least another stone loss, my interim targets are:
By 19th Jan (3rd session in Jan) have my 1 stone award (that’s only 3 more pounds in three weeks, should be easy)
By 23rd Feb (last session in Feb) have my 1.5 stone award (that’s another 7lbs in four weeks – more of a challenge as it took me 7 weeks to make it to my first half stone, but I’ll allow some slippage room!)

I’ll revisit these when we get past those deadlines.

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