Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back too soon?

We were back at the gym yesterday, since I know I’m going to be at knit-night tonight. The warm up, squats and even push-ups went well (I managed to squat 32.5kg on my second set, and did twos sets of 10 push-ups, on my knees) but there was a class on in the studio by the mats we do the other exercises on, and they had the door open for some reason. While the ball thingy and the bent over row went well, by the time we were doing side-plank I was ready to go and punch the woman taking the class. Add to that my arms were no longer working (20 push ups will apparently do that to me) and I just couldn’t do it. Terrible. Perhaps a slightly longer rest between sessions is called for. Perhaps I was just having a bad night. Anyway, we did the cardio/intervals – I was on the cross trainer again, so my arms got a bit more workout! Still, I’m getting on okay with that and 20 minutes in total (including warm up and cool down) is a sensible amount of time.

We plan to go back on Thursday I think, which is three days rather than two. Hopefully that will make all the difference.

Oh, we had stew again last night. This time with venison in. I’d recommend it! simply pat the venison dry and then coat with flour, fry lightly for just a couple of minutes until brown, add crushed garlic and fry until that’s brown, then stick it in a casserole dish with a bunch of veggies and enough stock to cover. I also like to add a couple of teaspoons of corn flour to thicken the gravy. Cook for like three hours, and then reheat the next day. (it’s way better if you eat it the day after you cook it, the flavour gets to permeate) Venison is a lean meat (being wild and all) and very tasty, and all the veggies make it filling too. Serve with a slice of home-made honey-and-sunflower-seed bread. Spot on.

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