Saturday, February 06, 2010

Can I Be a Fit Female?

I want to talk briefly about the programme that I'm doing, Rachel Cosgrove's Body Breakthrough.
I've done the first four weeks of the programme, and I'm pretty pleased with my progress.
I've lowered the height of the bench that I'm doing my push-ups on, I've raised my weight on every exercise which uses weights, I do two sets of 45 seconds of prone cobra (I started at two sets of half a minute, and that was hard!), in short; I'm stronger than I was when I began, in many ways.

So, tomorrow is my first day of section 2 of the programme. It's meant to be challenging, it's meant to be harder than the first section. I'm fine with that, I enjoy challenging myself in the gym. However, there are some things which I'm finding sort of demoralising.
One of the exercises I'm due to move on to is called a T-Push-Up. This is the same as a standard push-up, except when you get to the top of the movement, you extend one arm upwards and cross your feet, making a T shape with your body. That's all well and good, but I haven't progressed far enough to do a normal push up yet, so how can I move on to the T?

The other thing that I'm worried about is the chin-up. I've bought some exercise bands to assist with my chin-up, but honestly I can't do even one chin-up (we have a bar at home, so I've had a go already)

I've had some great advice from Ravelry (amazing huh, knitters who lift (Rav Link) are a new group, but they're supportive!) regarding the push-up situation, and they're suggesting what I was thinking of anyway.

So, that leaves the chin-up. I've had a look at some videos on YouTube, I've got advice from my fiancé, I think what I'll have to do is a combination of things to try to get into a place where I can do a chin up. So, that's going to include:
Hanging from the bar, to get used to holding myself up (with bands to begin with)
Assisted Chin Ups at the gym, to get used to lifting using those muscles
Hopefully the inverted row in the other half of this section of the program will also help.

Who knows, by the end of the four weeks, I might be able to do a chin-up!

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