Thursday, February 04, 2010

Last day of workout stage 1

Today was the end of the beginning. I mean that I did my last workout in phase 1, and I’m moving on to phase two shortly. (All being well, on Saturday)
To do the next stage I need something called a resistance band, something which seems to be expensive and also difficult to get hold of. And I haven’t yet got one. I’ll let you know how that goes!

So, until my next weigh in (Should be Sunday this week) here’s my final weights from my last A (on Tuesday) and B (today):

Step-up 2 sets of 12e/s 6kg each hand
3 point dumbell row 2 sets 12e/s 8kg
Bent over reverse fly 2 sets 4kg each hand
Body weight excercises now include pushups, which I managed 2 sets of 10 for (not full though, I’m doing them with my hands raised off the floor by a couple of feet). I’ll not give away the rest of the program, though it’s more than just the exercises, I think it’s copyright too!

Russian twist 2 sets of 10e/s 4kg
Overhead squat 2 sets of 10 3kg each hand
Lateral raise with external rotation 2 sets of 10 with 5kg each hand
SLSA Romanian deadlift 9kg
Single arm pullover 2 sets of 12 reps 3.25kg / 6.25kg
Cable row 2 sets of 10 reps 11.25kg
Again, not the whole program.

My favourite exercise has been the reverse fly and the cable spilt stance row, I feel really strong doing those, though they are challenging.

The main thing I’m finding hard is maintaining a positive attitude. Even though the numbers at the previous weigh in were good, I feel like I need to do more, make it go faster! However, the next stage of the workouts is meant to be more weight, less reps, to really build the muscle tone and shed the fat. The hardest thing is the diet though. I feel like I’m always eating! Okay, so that’s not so bad, but it is really odd!
I’ve found some cottage cheese snack pots which I like, it’s basically the size of a normal yoghurt, but it’s cottage cheese in there. High protein, low fat, and yummy! I have it with some grapes for my mid-morning snack.

Anyway, I’ll check in again on Sunday with my stats, see how things have gone in the second half of the first phase.
Wish me luck with the next phase!

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